Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
The techniques/attacks we went through were as follows(all were performed in the Ura motion):
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi-Omote for the first timers.
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo.
-Shomen Uchi Shiho Nage.
-Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 session at the JICC Conference Room
Here is what Sensei took us through:
-Ai Hanmi Ikkyo & Shiho Nage both in Omote.
-Shomen Uchi Shiho Nage.
Ryo Kata Dori:Kokyu Nage,Ikkyo Omote,Shiho Nage Omote and Sankyo Omote.
To top up the two hour session there was Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
Apart from the above mentioned techniques,PAZAT Sensei took us through the following attacks/techniques:
-Ryote Dori Shiho Nage Omote.
-Katatedori Kokyu Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Omote.
-Yokomen Uchi Tenchi Nage(or was it Kokyu Nage?).
Aikido sessions will be on hold as from December 18,2012 to January 4,2013 resuming on January 8,2013.
For more info kindly click on the link below:
Thursday, December 6, 2012
End yr Party
After the demonstration in November,we agreed to have an end of year party(like we did at Ben's last yr) and Jason was kind enough to agree to host us.
It will be on Sat,Dec 22nd,kindly confirm the rest of the details with Jason.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
Back to Friday's session and PAZAT Sensei took us through the below mentioned attacks/techniques:
-Katatedori Kokyu Nage(What we referred to as Sumi Otoshi).
-Katatedori Ikkyo Omote(Two versions) and Ura.
-Katatedori Soto Kiten Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Omote.
-Yokomen Uchi Ude Kimenage/Juji Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 session at the JICC Conference Room
Back to the Tuesday's session,Sensei was away due to some unavoidable circumstances and Jason Sempai was incharge of the session.After some warm up exercises by Brian Kohai,we went through the below mentioned attacks/techniques which were basically to emphasize the difference between Omote & Ura motions.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo-Omote & Ura.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo-Omote & Ura.
-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo-Omote & Ura.
-Shomen Uchi Sankyo-Omote & Ura.
-Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi-Omote & Ura.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Fri 23 Nov.
Usual warm-ups for starters and a variation of the ukemis; mae, ushiro, gyaku and yoko were performed.
The first technique on the card was gyaku hanmi shomen uchiirimi nage. As I discovered, the beginners were having a tough time with if, which meant that the advanced student spent a lot of time explaining the technique, so no one really benefited and so I decided to start with simpler techniques.
Second technique, kotegaeshi ura and omote : we had a fair share of problems with ura, Tori doesn't pull uke during the technique!! and step back to give uke a place to fall!!
Next was shihonage, ura and omote. I don't know how many begginers will be reading this but MAKE UKE AS UNCOMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE!! when performing this technique. Uke needs to be stretched as far as possible, if s/he is on his/her toes.... GOOD! and never do the technique behind you.
Second hour we did some advanced stuff, namely soto kaiten nage, uchi kaiten nage and juji nage... one word guys....ukemi :)
Lastly, we had a guest, Mr Nadao Kohno from Japan Meteorological Agency, who was in the country for a two week seminar, his calender allowed him to join us for the afternoon, but too bad he was travelling back the following day, a jolly fella he is :) Nadao, arigato and we hope to see you back again soon.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
The first hour was all about warming up as well as Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza.
During the second hour,the techniques on offer included:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote & Ura),Yonkyo(Omote & Ura),Nikyo(Omote & Ura).
-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 session at the JICC conference room
From the Katatedori(what we referred to as Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori) stance there was:
-Ikkyo(Omote & Ura).
-Irimi Nage.
From Kata Dori there was:
-Kokyu Nage.
-Shiho Nage.
I missed out on the demonstration last Saturday due to some unforseen circumstances but I look forward to the next one probably next year....
Monday, November 12, 2012
Sat 10 Nov 2012
Photos courtesy of Reza:
More coming soon
Friday 9 Nov 2012
One unique thing about the class was that it was done in open air!! since the dojo was being setup for the cultural day, and yes... we had a tatami, what else could we have asked for :)
Reza, Dennis and I started with some ukemi before the rest of the gang showed up and getting the feeling of tatami after being hardened by hard concrete floors...tatami is for softies :)
Matthieu sensei took us through some basic techniques ikkyo omote and ura, nikkyo omote and ura irimi nage omote and ura all in ai hanmi (I didn't mind the falling especially during irimi nage.)
The same techniques were done using a jo during the second hour, whereby uke attacks tori with the jo (tzuki), tori get hold of the jo, performs the technique and left holding the jo. Shiho nage was also included in this hour.
After class, Reza, Ben and I tried to perform some Sancho1, all 3 parts, a bit rusty but we got it!!
Nice class
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Matthieu Sensei is not available on Wednesdays and therefore the weapons class has been cancelled(sob sob)I will miss that class.
There is going to be an Aikido demonstration on Nov 10th at the Japanese Embassy,anyone who is interested in participating should forward his/her name to Sensei.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 session at the JICC Conference Room
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
Friday, October 19, 2012
Voi, 16th and 18th October
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 session at the JICC Conference Room
We went through Ikkyo(Omote,Ura),Nikyo(Ura) and Sankyo(Omote) all from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance respectively except for Shiho Nage(Ura) which was from the Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance.
The Tuesday sessions have began picking up on the number of participants and maybe this is a positive sign of Aikido's spread in Kenya....
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
Matthieu Sensei took us through the following techniques all from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance:
-Ikkyo(Omote & Ura).
-Sankyo Omote.
-Kokyu Ho.
There were a few variations to the techniques from what we were used to in that for example for Ikkyo Omote,Tori goes through Uke's centre using the leg nearest to Uke then places Uke's elbow on his knee then steps aside to bring Uke down...
All in all,it was an exciting session and I look forward to the next one.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Aikido Class in Voi
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 session at the JICC Conference Room
The following is what we reviewed(the stance being Ai Hanmi Katatedori for all cases):
-Ikkyo Omote.
-Irimi Nage Omote.
-A version of Kokyu Nage.
-Kote Gaeshi Omote.
-Kokyu Ho.
We capped up the two hour session with Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa with a 'little twist' in that some stretching was involved....
Monday, October 1, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012 session at the JICC main hall
He explained to me(in French of course...lol) that he hails from Bordeaux and that he trained under Philippe LEON Shihan(Rokudan).Anyway,most of you will get an opportunity of chatting to him so let me get on with the day's session:
Ben Sempai took us through Mae and Ushiro Ukemi once more,before we embarked on the following techniques/attacks:
-Ryo kata Dori Kokyunage.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage version.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Omote.
Matthieu PAZAT Sensei took us through the following:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Omote.
Time was not being fair to us as we had to end the two hour session when it was beginning to get more intense.....All I can say is:Faites comme chez vous ici au Kenya M.PAZAT.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 session at the Japan Information & Culture Centre Conference Room
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori opening with emphasis on 'cutting' through Uke's centre.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Omote & Ura openings with emphasis on 'putting your hip into it'.
It was quite an interesting session despite being only two of us as I discovered that my 'cut' through Uke's centre still lacks some precision.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
Douglas Kohai began with warm up exercises for about half an hour before Ben Sempai took over the rest of the session.
As is customary for most Fridays,it was a full house and we went through the following techniques:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage in both Omote and Ura preceded by Tai no Tenkan Ho.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi Omote,Nikyo Omote and Ura respectively.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Friday Class
Jason and Tony Sempai are back and it was good to see them.
Just before the clas I had read Sammy's blog on the Fri class and I was dreading the 80mins workout.
Thank God Jason kept the exercises this Fri moderate.
I had also not realised I had missed the Kamiza
We found him and Sammy already practicing.
Sammy had requested for Komen Uchi and this is what we did for the entire class-Komen Uchi Nikyo,Ikyo,Shiho Nage(Ura and Omote) Kokyu Ho and Kote Geshi.
Am not sure whether beginners read this blog,and I hope they do since I wanted to point out a few things
i)You should take off jewellery during the class
ii)No chewing gum while in class
iii)Visitors should sit at the back of the class
iv)You should never sit in seiza with your back to the kamiza.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Conference Room
It was basically a slow paced session but quite interesting to say the least and we reviewed the below mentioned techniques/attacks:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Ura.
-Ryote Dori Tenchi Nage.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Rokkyo.
-Ushiro Ryote Dori Ikkyo Omote.
-Shomen Uchi Sumi Otoshi.
I am not sure whether the Wednesday sesions are still on as there has been none for the last one month but hopefully all that shall be resolved once the new Sensei arrives.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre main hall
The workouts were so intense that they lasted well over 80 minutes!Both Ben and Tony Sempai contributed to the workout sessions.
Jason Sempai took over the rest of the time and we went through three techniques all from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance and they were:
-Irimi Nage(Omote).
-Kokyu Ho(Omote).
It was exciting to see all the Sempai in one place and I hope all the other sessions will be as breathtaking as the one we had this particular Friday.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Conference room(Dojo B)
The techniques we tried going through are as mentioned below:
-Kata Dori Rokkyo.
-Ushiro Ryote Dori Ikkyo(Omote).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage(Omote).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote).
We are still awaiting the incoming Sensei to touch base but in the meantime we shall try our level best to keep the Nairobi Aikikai flame burning.....
On Wednesday,I passed by the Goan Gymkhana and the management wanted to know if we still need the premises and I came up with some theories to stall them for a while since I am not sure if the incoming Sensei would still want to continue using the venue or not.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Friday, August, 31, 2012
Evidently I was disappointed since I had missed out on practising Aikido but all in all I hope the next session(Tuesday,September 4)will be on as usual.
By the way Mateusz would like to know if you guys are willing to keep this blog or we do away with it.Personally,I would love to see it going for as long as there is Aikido in Kenya....
Friday, August 31, 2012
Sadly,earlier this week he informed us he will not be returning to Kenya
I had expected to write some form of tribute to Kenya's pioneer Aikido teacher(nw that he has been kind enough to introduce us to another teacher)but words fail me,almost.
Mateusz was someone you encountered,not met.In the dojo,he was a cross between the gentle,motherly kindergarten teacher,amused by our antics and the strict,most hated teacher in high school,grumpy,impatient with an unhealthy(or maybe healthy) lust for blood.And anything in between.
He was unapologetic about being the recepient of the worship Kenyans bestow on whites,one of favorite sayings was that he's mzungu and can get away with many things(and if you experienced his driving,indeed he did) and yet at times you could sense his discomfort at being judged just by his skin colour.
He was honest,brutally so at times,at least one was assured of getting a straight forward answer;I remember his solution to Nairobi's traffic was two warnings to the bad driver then shooting the kneecap for the third offence.
Am going to end there lest now this starts to sound like a eulogy.
We will miss you Sensei Mateusz and wish you all the best in your future endevours.
There's a saying in Kikuyu,it's only mountains which don't meet.
Till we meet again.........................................................................................................................
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 at the Goan Gymkhana
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 session at the Japan Conference room(Dojo B)
Back to the day's business,it was a challenging session especially since there was a newcomer amongst us and I had to think of simpler techniques to demonstrate and below is what I managed to demonstrate during the second hour:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi(Omote).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Rokkyo.
-Kata Dori Uchi Kaiten Kata Gatame.
I am sure most of you received Mateusz Sensei's email earlier this week informing us that he will not be returning to join us here and I must say I will surely miss our dear Sensei but I have a gut feeling we shall soon cross paths somewhere in the near future.
Aikido Boot Camp
him a treat if he can make someone throw up during the workout.It reminded of the army movies,the recruits going through vigorous exercises.We were all sweating within 5 minutes and cursing him for the remaining 55.
Nobody threw up but there was a lot of blood flowing on Friday in the dojo.I counted at least four(sadly newcomers)with bloody toes and elbows.I say sadly because am not sure they will come back.
Excluding Sammy Sempai,we were 14 ,the class had so much energy and time just flew.
We are all determined to keep the Aikido torch burning.
The Wednesday class has been halted till further notice due to lack of quorum,next class is on Friday at the Embassy(my muscles are groaning as I say this)at 1700hrs.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Hall
The second hour saw us go through the below mentioned techniques:
-A Shorter version of Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Nikyo(Omote).
-A different version of Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage(Omote).
-Ryote Dori Nikyo.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Omote).
Kudos to Reza Sempai and the Cameroonian colleague for giving it all during the body workouts which left most of us gasping for breath.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Conference Room(Dojo B)
The first hour was all about getting the body prepared for Aikido techniques and it included exercises as well as Mae and Ushiro Shikko as well as Mae Ukemi.
The second hour included the following:
-The shorter version of Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Nikyo(Omote).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Ura).
-Gyaku Hanmi Kata Dori ending up with Kata Gatame.
It has been a while since we practised some Ura techniques and it was interesting to see how it was a challenge for most of us but I believe in due course,it shall sink in....
I was unavailable for the Wednesday session thus,I am not sure whether anyone showed up yesterday(August 22).
Monday, August 20, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Hall
It was quite a while since we practised Irimi Nage and to set the ball rolling in the second hour,it was Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage(Omote)followed by:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo(Omote).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Ura).
The two hour session came to a close with Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa glad that we are giving it our all as we await the return of our Sensei to spice up the sessions with some real Aikido.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
It seems like Jason Sempai is out of town and hopefully he shall be back soon so that we may carry on with the weapons class.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Conference Room(Dojo B)
Douglas Kohai was in charge of the first hour and as usual he was at his best making each one of us sweat to the maximum with a great body workout.
Since we were privileged with two new faces amongst us,we went through only three techniques to enable them go through each one of them step by step for easier comprehension.The techniques were all from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance and they were:
-Nikyo(Ura Waza).
-Kote Gaeshi(Omote).
Long live Nairobi Aikikai!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre Hall
The second hour we tried to go through some Gokyu techniques and below is what we were able to do:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori: Ikkyo(Omote).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Uchi Kaiten and Soto Kaiten Nage though we skipped the throwing part as Ukemi was a challenge for the newcomers.
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo(Omote).
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.
It was good to see Mark back again as enthusiastic as ever.
Great workout session Douglas!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
I had the chance to chat with a gentleman who was really interested to find out what we usually practised and I tried my level best to expalin to him about Aikido and it seemed to me that I might be seeing him with a white Gi joining us in the near future.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo B'
I set the ball rolling with some body toning exercises followed by Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza as well as Mae Shikko and the below mentioned techniques:
-Ryote Dori Tenchi Nage and Kiri Otoshi respectively.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Nikyo(Omote)-shorter versions.
The two hour session was topped up by Haishin Undo before we called it wraps and headed for home.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
We had two newcomers a lady and a gentleman and after the session,the lady explained to me that she had practised some Tae Kwo Ndo before and that she would like to try out Aikido and Goju Ryu Karate before making a decision on which martial art she would like to pursue further.
The first hour was basically physical exercises meant to tone and flex the body as well as some Ukemi before we embarked on the following techniques in the second hour:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Kote Gaeshi(Omote),Nikyo(Omote and the opening for Ura).
-Tai No Tenkan Ho followed by Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho ending up with a front choke.
-Reverse Kote Gaeshi.
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.
I have come to appreciate the fact teaching martial arts is no easy task especially for me since I have no mastery of any Aikido technique but I always give it my best since in the long run I also get to learn some new things that I had not known of before.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The discussion touched on the relevance of physical fitness in martial arts as well as the exploits of martial arts masters both past and present.
It was our unofficial 'off day' and we decided to call it wraps at exactly 20:00H and headed for home.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo B'
One hour later,Kevin Kohai joined us and the following is what we went through:
-Mae and Ushiro Ukemi(Suwari Waza,Tachi Waza).
-Mae Shikko.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote,Ura),Yonkyo(Omote)and Kote Gaeshi version respectively whereby Tori locks Uke's arm in a cross arm bar(Jujitsu version).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote,Ura).
-Ryote Dori:Kiri Otoshi and Ude Garami respectively.
-Kata Dori Nikyo(Omote).
The last half hour we went through some physical exercises before wrapping up the two hour session.
Friday, July 27, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
Reza Sempai took us through the warm up exercises and then what followed was as mentioned below:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori: Sankyo(Omote),Yonkyo(Omote)and Rokkyo respectively.
-Yokomen Uchi Yonkyo(Ura).
-Gyaku Hanmi katatedori Rokkyo.
It was refreshing to see Tony Sempai back and hope to see more of him in the sessions ahead.
Friday, July 27, 2012
No title
The general consensus was that it would be a bit tough,and one would probably resort to instinct and this was put to the test for me yesterday.
I was almost carjacked last night and I ran from the thugs,didn't even have to think about it.What am thankful to Aikido for is the lack of hopelessness.I have been robbed before and I stuggled with that feeling of hopelessness for weeks.
Yesterday I recognized the danger,felt the fear but it didn't crush me,somewhere in my system I have come to accept that dangerous situations lurk all around me but I don't have to surrender to the fear such situations evoke.Simulating attacks for the last two years is mostly responsible for that.
The Aikido hour on Wednesday proved to us we have a lot to learn,especially continuity,the habit of breaking a move in two/three/four phases seems to be more ingrained in us than we thought.And as Sammy remarked,Ura was especially challenging.Still,we will work on it.
Jo was easier,though I seem to be stuck in the Tori role.It felt good to be able do Sancho 1 part i&ii flawlessly(almost).
Another challenge is the fact that unlike Bokken,Jo should be done using both hands.Am struggling with the left.
Douglas and Naoki were present in the Tuesday class,we hope to be seeing them more often.
Enjoy your weekend guys,be safe.
P.s-you never told me what title we should use for Jason and Sammy.And Naoki ,hopefully,should he accept Sammy's offer to teach the Tuesday class.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
Jason Sempai engaged us in the following attacks & techniques:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Uchi Kaiten and Soto Kaiten Nage respectively.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Ura)and Kote Gaeshi(Ura)respectively.
-Yokomen Uchi:Irimi Nage(Ura)and Kokyu Ho.
Ura techniques are usually very challenging for me but yesterday's session proved to me that I am making some progress though not much and it is my hope that with time I shall execute any Ura attack with much ease.
It was basically a review of Jo Sansho One parts I and II and boy did I forget the second part and had to remind myself one more time.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012 session at the Japan Information & Culture Centre 'dojo B'
Naoki was present after quite a while MIA and we went through the following:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Omote)and Kote Gaeshi(Omote) respectively.
-Reverse/Gyaku Kote Gaeshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Rokkyo and Sumi Otoshi respectively.
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.
-Tai No Tenkan Ho.
The class ended with a good back stretch(Haishin Undo)and there was a new face among us only hoping that his first Aikido session was a memorable one.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
“The problem with Nikyo and Kote Gaeshi” by Phil Davison
There is one other article I came across on the Aikido Journal blog earlier this month which I thought is worth reading through.Kindly copy and paste the above link to your browser.
“Realizing Aikido’s Potential,” by Stanley Pranin
There is a very interesting article about Aikido I came across on the Aikido Journal blog.Kindly copy and paste the link above to access the article.
Friday, July 20, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre multipurpose Hall
I began with some warm up exercises for the first ten minutes or so before Jason Sempai took over the rest of the session.
Here is what we went through during the two hour session:
-Mae and Ushiro Ukemi(Suwari Waza & Tachi Waza).
-Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage.
-Tai no Tenkan Ho followed by Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Ura).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote),Nikyo(Omote & Ura)and two shorter versions of Nikyo respectively.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The stances for the day were Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori and Kata Dori respectively thus the below mentioned techniques were all from the above mentioned stances:
-Ikkyo(Omote & Ura).
-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.
We reviewed the eight Bokken Kata and I managed to get some notes on the eight Bokken Kata and thus we were able to go over the last kata that had eluded us last week.
We were unable to do Jo as we had about half an hour remaining and decided to call it a day.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall 'dojo B'
Concerning the techniques of the day,I took my colleagues through:
-Mae Ukemi(Suwari Waza).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Ura),Nikyo(Omote),Kote Gaeshi(Omote)and a shorter version of Nikyo(Omote)respectively.
-Ryote dori Tenchi Nage.
-Reverse Kote Gaeshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi,Kokyu Nage and a shorter version of Nikyo(Omote)respectively.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
After taking us through a session of warm up exercises and Ukemi(Mae& Ushiro)from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza,the below mentioned attacks and techniques were on offer:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Omote,Ura),Ikkyo(Omote,Ura-for advanced students)and any other technique we could think of from the same stance.
-Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi Irimi Nage.
I discovered that doing Ukemi is not as simple as it looks and for sure most of us especially the new faces including the senior citizen with a green belt in Goju Ryu Karate had a difficult time rolling but I guess it all comes with constant practise and following directions from the instructor to the latter.
The last five minutes or so we went through some vigorous exercises which left most of us out of breath though I must conclude that the session was a good one.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The main techniques of the first hour were Kote Gaeshi and Shiho Nage:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi(Omote & Ura) and Shigo Nage(Ura)respectively.
-Yokomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi(Omote) and Shiho Nage(Ura)respectively.
We reviewed the eight bokken kata though none of us could recall the seventh Kata thus we skipped it and decided to focus on it once we were sure about it.
We reviewed Jo Sansho One part one and I was glad to note that I could still recall part one though the finer details still elude me but hopefully with time I shall be able to fine tune my feet movement among other details.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo B'
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Kote Gaeshi,Ikkyo(both Omote),Nikyo(Ura)and Shiho Nage(Omote & Ura)respectively.
-Reverse Kote Gaeshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.
Friday, July 6, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre
Last Friday's session was the first full session I had ever taught and it was a huge task for me since I had never done it before and also due to the fact that I am only 15 months old in Aikido thus there are very few techniques that I can effectively teach but I gave it my best shot.
There were two new faces present and they had a tonne of questions about Aikido but I informed them that they would have to wait till Sensei is back for them to get the best responses to their querries.
After doing Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza,the techniques that followed were:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Omote)and Shiho Nage(Ura) respectively.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi(Omote)and a shorter version of Nikyo(Ura).
-Ryote dori Tenchi Nage(Omote).
Sensei Sam
We had two new beginners and one old one and we went through Nikyo,Ikyo,Shiho Nage,Kyoku Ho in Omote and Ura.Rokyo turned out to be a bit complicated for the beginners.
One of the things that occurred to me is that now am the one in the know.The beginners were fumbling through the steps and grips bit I wasn't.It also occurred to me that I have been really listening in class-maybe I wasn't following the instructions but I was definitely hearing them and now those tiny details that Sensei Mateusz was insisting on somehow came to mind.
It was a very interesting class and the reason Sam didn't blog about the Fri class is because he was the Sensei then as well.
Well done Sam.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Aikido Tuesdays
it's time Nairobi Aikikai to stand up and be counted.
The last class with Sensei Mateusz was on Wednesday-as Sam has posted,it was 2hrs Aikido,1hr weapons.It was an intense class,with a touch of anxiety.I am looking forward to perfecting Bokken Kata.
We had our standard Aikido farewell drinks.We will miss Sensei and look forward to seeing him in September.
Now that Jason is taking over,will we be referring to him as Sensei ?
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
Sensei focused mainly on an Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance stance and the movement was through Tenkan and boy did I have an enormous task performing the Tenkan without unnecessarily moving the front leg.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori(through Tenkan):Shiho Nage(Omote & Ura),Irimi Nage(Omote),Kiri Otoshi,Kote Gaeshi,Kokyu Ho and Juji Nage respectively.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage without moving a step.
-Yokomen Uchi(through Tenkan using Tanto):Shiho Nage(Omote & Ura),Kote Gaeshi(Omote),Kokyu Ho and Sankyo(Omote).
After doing some Shomen and other exercises using Bokken,Sensei took us through the eight Bokken kata and I was glad since it was quite a while since I went through the eight Kata and I was able to remind myself once again.
What a three hour session it was!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 session at the Japan Information & Culture Centre 'dojo B'
To set the new session off,Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza were in order followed by the below mentioned attacks and techniques:
-Shomen Uchi:Kote Gaeshi(Omote),Shiho Nage(featuring two Omote and Ura versions respectively)and rokkyo respectively.
-Tsuki:Ikkyo(Omote & Ura)and Shiho Nage(Omote & Ura)respectively.
To make it more lively,Sensei handed us some markers that we used as Tanto when Uke attacked Tori with a Tsuki thrust.
It was a refreshing switch from the 'unforgiving' Goan Gymkhana surface and I look forward to more of these Tuesday sessions.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo'
The two hour session was fast paced and below are the attacks and techniques Sensei took us through:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote,Ura),Nikyo(Omote,Ura),Sankyo(Omote)and Shiho Nage(Ura)respectively.
-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo(Omote).
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo(Omote).
-Tsuki:Kote Gaeshi(Omote)and Shiho Nage(Ura)simulating a knife attack to make it more 'real'.
-Shiho Nage(Ura)through Ikkyo(Omote).
-Kote Gaeshi through Shiho nage(Ura).
-Irimi Nage through Kote Gaeshi.
The last three techniques mentioned above all began with Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote)and it was a challenge for me to continue with Uke's motion as well as blend into it but I guess it will take years of doing it over and over again to achieve this.....fantastic session!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Class Schedule Change
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
-Kata Dori:Nikyo(Omote & Ura)and Shiho Nage(Omote & Ura)respectively.
-Shomen Uchi:Kote Gaeshi and Irimi Nage(both Omote)respectively.
-A technique whereby Uke is twisted off balance by Tori's forearm while holding Tori(Kata Dori)and Tori can either knock him out with a fist or throw him down.
-After several Bokken exercises,Sensei reviewed Ichi no Tachi.
-For the first time this year I was glad I could still recall the first seven forms in Shindo Munen Ryu even after waking up the following morning and I am glad Sensei reviewed the forms once again and I look forward to mastering all the twelve forms.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
It all began with Funakogi Undo and then the following attacks and techniques:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote),Nikyo(Omote),Sankyo(Omote),Irimi Nage(Omote)and Kote Gaeshi(Omote) respectively featuring a different opening while in a static stance.
-Katadori menuchi Ikkyo and Nikyo(both in Omote).
-A shorter and quicker version of Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo(Omote).
-Chudan Tsuki:Kote Gaeshi,Sankyo and Irimi Nage(all Omote)respectively.
Daniel Sempai had some time last week requested for an explanation of katadori menuchi and I will try my best to explain the attack:
Let's say Uke grabs Tori's gi with his right hand and attacks with a Shomen using his left hand.Tori performs a Tenkan with his right leg at the same time moving out of line while guiding the Shomen with his left arm then he(Tori)opens Uke while going forward(the same opening for Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo,Nikyo,etc.)and finishes the technique be it Ikkyo,Nikkyo,etc.
Friday, June 22, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo'
-Gyaku Hanmi katatedori Kokyu Ho,Irimi Nage,Nikyo(shorter version),rokkyo,Shiho nage(Ura)-two openings and a front choke whose opening was that of Kokyu Ho respectively.
-Gyaku Kote Gaeshi(Omote).
The stance of the day was Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori and once again we practised disarming 'the enemy'brandishing a 'pistol' using the rokkyo technique....Superb session!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The first hour began with Mae Ukemi from Suwari Waza and after doing some Ukemi we were all set.
We began by a Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance which was in preparation for Rote dori Tenchi Nage and first it was leading Uke down by capitalising on his weak spot followed by distabilising Uke by opening him up and going forward with the intention of 'bitch slapping' him(Uke).What followed was:
-Ryote dori Tenchi Nage(Omote,Ura).
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa using both handS and attempting with one hand too.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi(Omote,Ura).
-A different version of Ryote dori Tenchi Nage whereby Tori,by use of his hips,brings Uke closer to him and then throws him off balance with a forward movement.
Sensei went over Jo Sansho One parts one to three and it was a while since I practised Jo Sansho and it was clearly evident as I had to get re-acquainted once again with parts one and two carefullt sticking to one role in order not to get all mixed up...
After warming up with some Shomen while in kibadachi,Sensei went over once again all the twelve moves from Shindo Munen Ryu (Tachi).I got mixed up with the feet movement especially from the eighth one(Doto Gaeshi)to the twelfth one(Inazuma Gaeshi)but I guess it all comes down to regular practise...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The session was an action packed one and the technique that 'stole the show' for me was when we simulated a scene whereby Tori was confronted with a pistol by Uke and the former disarming the pistol from the latter using Rokkyo.
Apart from that,we also went through the following attacks/techniques:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Omote,Ura) with the Omote version featuring two versions the other version being almost similar to Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage only that it was in Tachi Waza.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo(Omote,Ura).
-Katadori menuchi Sankyo(Omote).
-Sankyo Ura through Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Omote.
-A shorter version of Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo Omote.
-Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage.
-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.
Friday, June 15, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo'
Sensei took us through Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza and I still have the same old habit of bending the arm while rolling over it and frankly it has reached the point where it is no longer amusing.
The following were the techniques that we covered:
-Kata Dori Ikkyo(Omote,Ura) and Nikyo Ura respectively.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi and Reverse Kote Gaeshi respectively.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Rokkyo.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.
-Any other technique or attack we could recall from a Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Jason's Class
We have also speculated amongst ourselves what would happen if Sensei Mateusz left the country.
Well,if this Wednesday's class is anything to go by,fear not.
Jason was in charge and we went through Ikyo,Nikyo,Sankio.Rokyo and Gokyo in omote and ura.
It was obvious Jason has more experience dealing with children and his teaching method was effective and different.
It was a good change.
Sammy,Tony and I enjoyed.
In other news,welcome back Tony(you still owe us a crate of beer)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
This Monday was all about an Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance and after several Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari and Tachi Waza Sensei took us through the following:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage;apart from the usual one we usually do,Sensei took us through two other versions-Tori bringing Uke close to him and doing Irimi Nage without any steps and the other one through Gedan Barai and Tori goes forward without turning the hips.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi(Omote and Ura).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Uchi Kaiten Nage(Omote and Ura).
With the addition of a Tanto,it became more realistic as Tori tried all his level best to maintain contact and not let Uke 'stab' him with the knife....I guess it is always essential to train keeping in mind that in a real life situation,this is probably what would go down as Sensei always stresses the importance of taking all the training sessions as if they were real life attack situations...
Friday, June 8, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
After Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza,what followed was:
-Kiri Otoshi through the opening for Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage Omote.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho and Kote Gaeshi(Gyaku Kote Gaeshi) respectively.
-A different version of Shomen Uchi Kokyu Ho whereby Tori locks Uke's elbow after a Shomen Uchi attack and thereafter throws him off balance with Kokyu Ho.
During the last quarter of an hour or so,Sensei grouped us and with one Tori and different Uke attacking at a time,each one of us performed any Ai Hanmi Katatedori technique we could recall....
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The session was dominated by both Uchi Kaiten and Soto Kaiten and this is what we went through with Sensei's guidance:
-A version of Kokyu Nage whereby the opening is for Uchi Kaiten then Tori goes below Uke and pins him down applying a choke with his(Uke's) gi while controlling the elbow on his knee.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Soto Kaiten Nage.
-Soto Kaiten Kata Gatame.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho and Kokyu Nage respectively.
-Sensei reviewed Ichi no Tachi and Ni no Tachi.
After doing some shomen while chanting 'To Ho Ka Mi E Mi Ta Me',Sensei reviewed all the twelve moves in Shindo Munen Ryu and all I could recall were the first four and I realised that it takes years of practise to master these movements but I am glad Sensei is there to guide us through...
Monday, June 4, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage(the version whereby Tori goes down on his knees perpendicular to Uke and stretches him(Uke) off balance).
-Ryote dori Kiriotoshi.
-Ryote dori Tenchi Nage Omote(Ura for Jason and myself).
It was a great session and I was surprised to learn that not all martial artists are able to roll or fall safely as was evident from the two black belt Tae Kwo Ndo instructors who looked like novices when it came to doing Ukemi. I always assumed every martial artist is capable of doing so....phew thank God for Aikido!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Monday class
I would like to add another reason-interesting discussions.We are lucky that Sensei Mateusz is an approachable fellow and we engaged him for about 15 minutes before the class.The topics ranged from Ki Aikido to the future of Aikido,Steven Seagal,Chiba Sensei,Ueshiba Sensei and a host of Aikido figures,Birankai.I have to say my Aikido mind was well fed by the time class started.
It has been a while since I went through the basics and the best part was knowing the moves-the foot,hand and body work are no longer rocket science.
We had two beginners and the ego was happy to be now in the know.
It was a fun class.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
Sensei stressed the importance of being close to Uke and the speed of executing the Shiho Nage technique which is a very dynamic technique especially when done on tatami.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote and Ura both static and non-static.
-Shomen Uchi Shiho Nage(Omote,Ura).
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage (Omote,Ura).
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Nikyo Ura(different version).
I have realised that each time Sensei goes through a technique I pick up on something that I had not known about and that is what makes me love Aikido sessions where Sensei takes part as Uke as I get to feel a real life attack.
During the second hour,Sensei continued on the Jo basics and it was basically from a Tsuki attack and we went through the following:
-Choku Zuki.
-Kaeshi Zuki.
-Harai Zuki.
-Maki Otoshi 1 & 2.
-Kaeshi Uchi Otoshi 1 & 2.
-Maki Uchi Otoshi 1 & 2.
-Kesa Uchi 1,2 & 3.
-Otoshi Zuki 1 & 2.
-Kaiten Uchi Otoshi 1 & 2.
There was no Batto-Ho as we took a vote of whether to do Batto-Ho or go for a drink and Batto-Ho was outnumbered in favour of a drink and thus a drink it was.......
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
It began with warm up exercises followed by Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza with Sensei introducing a variation of Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza.
The day's attacks and techniques were as follows:
-Ryote dori:Kiri Otoshi and Ude Garami respectively.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Ura.
-Shomen Uchi:Irimi Nage and Kokyu Nage respectively.
-Morote dori Kokyu Ho.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Yonkyo Omote and Rokyo respectively.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Tori does not make any steps),Tenchi Nage and Rokyo respectively.
I take this opportunity to wish Daniel Sempai all the very best as he progresses forward in his career and I really hope to see him back soon.
Friday, May 25, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Cultural Centre hall
-Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage(Omote and Ura).
The techniques mentioned below were all performed from a Shomen Uchi attack:
-Sumi Otoshi(Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza).
-Irimi Nage.
-Tenchi Nage.
-Kata Gatame.
Sensei undertook the grading and it was Brian and I who went first doing our thing before Jason did his thing later on.All in all I gave it my best only that I had trouble controlling Uke which is something I have to work on ASAP as even in a real life attack,if I can't control my attacker then it is game over for me!
Congrats to Jason and Brian and at least now Nairobi Aikikai has an additional Hakama wearer.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
May exams
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Am not sure what did it for me-suspect it's the exactness of the execution of moves,there's no room for error and in that the possibility of perfection.Or maybe it was the Muso Shinden Ryu by Sensei and Dan.
Nw am hooked and looking forward to taking things to the next level.
The Jo session was interesting.We practiced Kesa uchi 1&2,Maki otoshi 1&2,Kaete uchi otoshi,Junte uchi otoshi,Uchi otoshi1&2 and Kaiten uchi otoshi 1&2 with our partners.At least these are familiar moves from Sancho 1
Am sure Sammy will want to say a word about the Aikido session,where according to Sensei,pain and darkness reign.And indeed pain reigned(thanks to Dan)
It was a great class.
P.s-wish Sammy and Jason all the best in their exam tomorrow.And we intend to join in your celebrations afterwards.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
It all began with Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza and as usual the venue's surface claimed some 'victims' while performing Ukemi but I guess some of us are getting used to the hard surface....
Some of the techniques and attacks were as follows:
-Ryote dori Nikyo(what some of us refer to as 'double nikyo').
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage-the same Kokyu Nage version that Sensei introduced to us last week which gets me confused at times especially the part where Tori 'bumps' into Uke.
-Various versions of Koshi Nage but concentrating mainly on the Ai Hanmi Katatedori version.
-Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage with Sensei demonstrating a different version of it whereby Tori performs Irimi Nage without any steps.
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Ura.
I am sure I must have left out some information but all in all it was an action packed session and Sensei stressed again the importance of being vigilant and whenever Tori makes a mistake while executing a technique,it is upon Uke to point it out to him so that he can learn and improve on it the next time.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
-Morote Dori:Juji Nage,Rokyo,Ude Garami and Nikyo Ura respectively.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Juji Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi:Shiho Nage Ura,Kokyu Ho,Kote Gaeshi and Irimi Nage respectively.
Once again I found myself bending both arms when executing Shiho Nage and this is turning out to be a very bad behaviour and I need to improve on it lest I find myself getting a hard time with Shiho Nage especially with an 'uncoperative' Uke(lol).
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
To Ho Ka Mi E Mi Ta Me
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
Mae Ukemi from Suwari Waza kicked off the two hour session before we embarked on the following techniques and attacks:
-Various versions of Gyaku Hanmi Katatedoti Kokyu Nage.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Ura).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Uchi Kaiten Sankyo.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage(a shorter and quicker version).
-Two versions of front chokes that are executed from a Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance.
-Yokomen Uchi Kokyu Ho.
This Monday was all about techniques and attacks from a Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance and I must admit the sessions are getting faster and more challenging and that means only one thing:I need to step up a notch higher.
Friday, May 11, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
It all began with Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza but what stood out for me was when Daniel Sempai took it further by perfoming Ukemi over four colleagues crouching....I must say that will take me a while before I can gain such confidence.
Apart from Ukemi,some of the techniques and attacks we went throught were:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote and Ura).
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo(Omote and Ura)in both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza.
-Shomen Uchi Nikyo(Ura).
-Shomen Uchi Kokyu Ho.
The two hour session ended with the familiar back stretch Haishin Undo and it was good to see Naoki back after quite a while.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
We began by performing some Ukemi(Mae and Ushiro)from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza before we embarked on the techniques of the day.
Sensei explained to me a lot of things concerning Aikido and I always appreciate the fact that we are learning Aikido whose lineage comes straight from the source.
The techniques and attacks that were featured include:
-Ryotedori Kokyu Ho.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.
-Shomen Uchi:Yonkyo(Omote,Ura),Irimi Nage(Omote,Ura),Kote Gaeshi(Omote,Ura),Soto Kaiten and Uchi Kaiten nage.
-Ryotedori Kokyu Nage which was a new version and it was quite confusing for me at first but I guess with more practice I shall be able to decipher it more and more.
One of the points Sensei clarified during a Shomen Uchi attack especially when Tori intends to execute Kote Gaeshi is that it is always safer to step back as opposed to stepping sideways as I am accustomed to doing since Tori quite never knows whether Uke will attack using Shomen Uchi or Yokomen Uchi until the point where the attack is executed and thus if I were to step to the side and Uke comes with a Yokomen Uchi attack,then it will be game over for me.
Great class Sensei!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
The techniques that featured during the two hour sweaty session were:
-Ryotedori Kiri Otoshi.
-Shomen Uchi Sumi Otoshi.
-Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage(three versions).
-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage(Omote and Ura) and any other technique we could execute from this attack.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Tenchi Nage.
-A version of a throw from a Shomen Uchi attack whereby Tori would intercept the Shomen before it came down then grab Uke's arm and distabilise him before throwing him down with a throw.
Shomen Uchi is usually quite a challenge for me especially the sliding movement and controlling Uke's elbow.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
My Why
And now I understand why Sensei insisted I get one-it makes one feel they belong.
After reading Sensei's post on teaching,I tried to place myself and I think am a cross between the enthusiast and one 'raised on fastfood and facebook are not willing to suffer pain, bruised, blood, perhaps even injuries '
My friends(which also makes me wonder if am of the social students mentioned in November's post
'social guys (think: check this out - I do Aikido')always ask me if I can hold my own in a fight.Of course I don't know,I would run and as Sensei keeps pointing out,the environment in the dojo is controlled,like the way Uke keeps holding onto Tori's hand.So,whether any of us would be able to execute Kyoku ho,Shiho nage in a bar or an alley is debate.
We were discussing Aikido on our way home sometime last year and how the lessons learnt have nothing to do with the moves,the art.And here's some of them:
1)The first time I heard Sensei instructing not to add my energy to a situation was very puzzling to me-always thought you must react and the only way I knew how was to also add my energy.Withholding energy is the greatest thing Aikido has taught me.And practicing this in real life has empowered me so much.And some of my relationships have improved and others have withered away.Thank God
2)There's always a way out-it doesn't matter what grab or hold Uke attacks with(or even 2/3 Uke).It always(most always) ends with him on the ground begging for mercy,okay,taping but you get the point.And lately,when things aren't going well or as expected in my life,I know there's a way out.And just like in the class,I usually have to give it a few tries and soon enough,am on my feet ready for the next round.
3)I can't remember who said that the thing one should fear is fear itself.Before Aikido,the greatest fear in my life was pain-physical pain(Yes,I know I have given birth but that's not pain-they din't have a word for it and labour covers it,about 30% of it but I digress.......
And replaying the Aikido classes in times past,I was very vocal in expressing my pain. Nw am unafraid.And together with that fear of pain,many of my fears have also disappeared;))))))))))))))))
4)I sometimes to drop by the dojo just to bask in the positive energy there.This is usually after a trying day or week and the minute I step inside the dojo,my batteries get recharged-it's like plugging into a power source.
And this is probably why,no matter how sweaty and long the class is,you still come out humming.
5)I really don't know what am capable of-Aikido and otherwise.I do wonder whether I will learn all the names of all the moves, the exact Iaido steps and the shomen techniques.And am giving myself a chance to find out-in Aikido and otherwise.
6)Jason once told me that there's a bond created between people who sweat together.And am sure in this case he meant those in the dojo together.It's true.The Aikido friendships are maskless,which is refreshing and especially in Nairobi.
Hopefully,I will be in class nxt Wednesday.And hopefully it'll be jo for the weapons class.I am competent in Sancho 1&2
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
For starters,last Monday and Wednesday's sessions consisited of 3 Kyu and some 2 Kyu techniques but as for last Friday's session,it all began with Mae Ukemi from Tachi Waza and since for the first 10 minutes or so it was Sensei and I alone,I was glad Sensei pointed out the bad habits that I am used to especially bending the elbow when rolling and I will try my level best to correct this.
The techniques and attacks Sensei took us through the two hours are as follows:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote,Ura),Nikyo(Omote,Ura,Sankyo(Omote,Ura)and Yonkyo(Omote,Ura. -Sumi Otoshi from both Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori respectively.
-Shorter versions of Nikyo and Sankyo from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stances. -Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Omote,Ura).
-Shiho Nage through Tenkan.
-Ryotedori Kote Gaeshi and Irimi Nage.
-Yokomenuchi Sankyo(Omote,Ura).
Despite the heavy downpour just before we began the session,I was heavily drenched in sweat after the two hours...talk of a great body workout!
Friday, April 27, 2012
On teaching Martial Arts
It is difficult.
I spent some time teaching English when I was a student. Most of my pupils were kids of people who had ambitions and plans for their kids, but them students themselves were not really interested. So it was like forcing the proverbial camel to drink the water from oasis. Perhaps not pointless, but a struggle for both of us.
Then I spent some time teaching IN business to professionals all over the world (Morocco, Austria, Jordan, Thailand, Malaysia, Philipines, Czech Republic, Gernamy, Kenya, SA, etc). When the participants were interested then it was fun, challenge and very, very rewarding. But if the students were sent there by their company and they were not so much interested... A struggle again.
Now, teaching martial arts is a totally different animal. Students can be either professionals (think: security guards), passionate enthusiast (think: really intersted and dedicated people) or casual, social guys (think: check this out - I do Aikido)
Surprisingly professionals are not the best and easiest to teach. They come with their baggage of experiences, expectations and so on. Usually they do not have enough time and dedication to actually study. All they seek is a few quick and effective trocks they could potentially apply without committing too much effort. With time, if they step deep enough, they might find something deeper and more interesting in Aikido, and then they would turn into enthusiasts.
All martial artists from other styles fall into this category - as somebody who seeks to enhance their already (perhaps presumed) proficiency in other styles.
With enthusiasts it is easy - really interested and easy to teach - they just want to learn new stuff, test themselves, techniques and their teacher. Very, very creative, rewarding and fun. Challenging (for the teacher), but fun.
Casuals come and go. I remember when still at the Uni and later in Other dōjōs there were so many people coming and going... It got to the point that when somebody I do not know greets me on the street I would think 'must be someone who met me at Aikido'. The turnover was so high I just wasn't able to remember all of them... I remember discussions with my teachers and they would always say 'motivation does not matter, what matters is thet that stay'. If they do stay in dõjõ then they might turn into enthusiast and then it becomes a bliss and joy for the teacher. But if they stay depends (IMHO) on whether actual art (in my case: Aikido) meets their personality and - equally if not more importantly - on the teacher. His skill in art, his skill as a teacher and his personality.
And here we reach the most important part: the teacher.
I believe that today, in the non-oriental countries teacher has very difficult job: he has to make the trainings attractive while not dissolving and flattening the art. I see two trends here.
Some teachers were lucky enough to have traditional teachers themselves. This means their trainig was tough, painful and they survived. They went through hell which shaped them into what they are now. And they make their students go through similar hell. Or even more. This is very admirable approach. But how many of students can, or are willing to go through hell? Enthusiasts, for sure. People whip are already dedicated. But other students will run away from such guy, for today people raised on fastfood and facebook are not willing to suffer pain, bruised, blood, perhaps even injuries.
I know solution to this one: separate beginners from advanced. Casuals and enthusiasts.
So some teachers are trying to make the art more approachable. They flatten the art, give away grades left and right just to attract more and more students. Make it more social, more entertainment than martial.
I am lucky enough to not make any money on teaching Aikido. So I can, at least in principle, not dilute the art and not really care if students turn away. I understand Aikido is very specific and is attractive to people with certain personality. But I still try to make classes attractive, so that students do not get bored. Especially here, in Central Africa. We do not have tatami. So if I spend one hour on just mae-ukemi I know than next class I will have only one or two guys... So I feel I need to find middle way. And this is challenge number one for me.
Challenge number two is this: Is it my job to make my students into fire-breathing martial artists? Or is my job to teach just the art within the system and it is up to the students to take it to the practically applicable level? It is easy if you have a permanenet dōjō, then sooner or later a group of enthusiasts will emerge and they will force their teacher to take them the next level. But if I meet students on irregular basis in different places... I can show the door, but I do not think I have the right to force them through it.
And Aikido would become an art, or rather an ART only after students reach quite high level of profficiency and technique stops being an obstacle and a challenge and becomes a vessel to express their personality... And to get there takes years of struggle uphill in the darkness in pain and rain.
I do not consider myself a fighter. I feel very lucky and priviledged to have met some extraordinary people in my life and I believe I have acquired certain skills or knowledge I feel I am oblidged to share. It is an adventure I can share with people, but where does my respinsibility as a teacher ends and where does it start for students?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
After the feat that lasted roughly ten minutes,Sensei took us through the following techniques:
-Tsuki:Ikkyo(Omote,Ura),Nikyo(Omote,Ura),Sankyo(Omote,Ura),Kote Gaeshi and Rokkyo.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage.
-Ryotedori Kiri Otoshi.
-Any Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori technique that we could recall and we were grouped in threes with one Tori facing two Uke.
Sensei also spiced up the session by introducing an exercise whereby Uke would approach Tori from either the left or right side and the aim of this exercise was to enable Tori blend into Uke's attack as much as possible.
Great session to crown the week!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
No Class today
There were some people setting up for an event and I assumed we'll be having the session
at the squash courts.
I was heading there when I was referred to one Joseph,the caretaker/manager,am nt sure.
He informed me that there's no class today and that he had already told those who attended the Monday class.
I called Daniel to ask why he hadn't spread the word and he din't know.
I hope everyone gets the comunication on time,there's no class today,see you on Fri.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
Daniel Sempai took us through the paces during the two hours which were dominated by Sankyu techniques.
It all began with warming up then Mae Ukemi(Suwari Waza) and Ushiro Ukemi(Tachi Waza)followed by the following techniques:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori and Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Koshi Nage.
-Koshi Nage through Ikkyo Omote.
-Hanmi Handachi:Shiho Nage and kaiten Nage respectively.
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Yonkyo(Omote),Nikyo(Omote and Ura) and Juji Nage respectively.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Uchi Kaiten Nage and Soto Kaiten Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi:Sankyo(Omote and Ura) and Tenchi Nage respectively.
The management informed me that there shall be a seminar/congress/gathering at the Goan Gymkhana tomorrow(Wednesday April,18) so I guess we shall be using the squash court or unless informed otherwise.....see you then!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Cultural Centre hall
After going through Mae Ukemi in both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza,Sensei took us through the following techniques:-
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi.
-Ryotedori Kote Gaeshi(Omote,Ura plus another Ura version).
-Ryotedori Irimi nage.
-Ryotedori Kiri Otoshi.
-Ryotedori Kokyu Ho.
-Koshi Nage through Sankyo Omote.
-Koshi Nage through Ikkyo Omote.
When it comes to Koshi Nage,most of the time I place Uke too high which basically means I have to lift Uke with my back!!!
I have only one thing to say:'Practise and lots of it!'
Thursday, April 12, 2012
It was an intense class(see Dan's post) and maybe this is what made the time to fly.
Am glad to note that I still remember quite a bit of Sancho 1&2and like Daniel wondering when it'll become automatic;how many hours of practice exactly are needed in order to stop pausing trying to figure out the next move.
About the Iaido session,I will say 'sisemi kitu'
Great class.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
After Easter break; 2012年4月11日
Gyakuhanmi katatedori – tenchinage(one-handed) ; movement is like nukitsuke and uke’s weak point (triangle) should be taken into account. It is easy to get carried away and either move sideways, or in uke’s firm position.
The aihanmi game, both with holding hands and just by keeping contact alone with eyes closed. Again, all basics apply. There are several ways of winning. One is to counter with iriminage, hence hands go forwards towards opponent’s face. Two is the normal way, i.e. towards the weak point. Three is a kind of counter attack where as opponent pushes forward, you reverse your hands and keep pushing them in the very same direction they are pushing. Four is tricky because it requires you to pull opponent towards you and down behind you. But this will not work on skilled opponents.
Gyakuhanmi katatedori – tenchinage(one-handed) with tainotenkanho opening ; again basics apply. After opening with normal tai no tenkan ho, you need to step back and bring uke down on their weak (triangle) point. Again it is easy to get carried away and take uke too far from their weak point.
Gyakuhanmi katatedori sotokaitennage (with tainotenkanho opening) - Opening is with tai no tenkan ho. Tricky bit is what to do after this. There are 2 things depending on uke’s commitment to attack. If it is a commited one, uke will keep contact as you control elbow and do the kaiten movement. However, if it is a lazy attack, it is necessary to grab uke’s keikogi at the elbow and force them to do the kaiten movement.
Hanmihandachi katatedori sotokaitennage – movement is exactly same as above. If you manage to bring uke down with the tai no tenkan ho movement, it becomes easy because you can stand before them as you execute the kaiten. However, if uke remains up even after opening, then its necessary to grab keikogi at elbow and force them into the kaiten.
Aihanmi katatedori nikyo ura (with ushiro tenkan opening) – since this is ura technique, a second tenkan is necessary after the first one. The trailing leg hence moves twice in the same direction, pivoting on the front leg.
Hanmihandachi katatedori uchikaitennage – open uke by raising grabbed hand using the wrist movement. With atemi as distraction, move with kaiten into the opening created, so that you end up standing while doing the kaiten, then proceed as usual.
As an exercise, tori initiates aihanmi attack in form of a hand strike towards uke’s eyes. As uke instinctively moves hand up to cover face, tori grabs said hand and does an ikyo ura movement. There are many tricky bits in this, one of them being the ability to blend into uke’s movement and grab their hand at the same time as they move it up. Next is the ura movement. Without proper tenkan it is impossible. Also there is the natural tendency to forget your center and pull, rather than lead, uke. Hence with experienced uke, this exercise will be quite a daunting task.
Another exercise was how to execute sankyo from aihanmi ura attack, using an ushirotenkan opening. I really don’t know how to explain this one, but I remember one caution. After the opening, uke can strike tori with elbow if the former stays in place. Hence even with the complicated hand change taking place, tori should keep moving all the time.
Jo session
We had warm-up, followed by the jo kata (my words) that involves all the jo basic movements. It goes something like; tsuki, barai, tsuki, migi kesa, hidari kesa, migi shomen uchi, tenkan, makiotoshi, finishing with some sort of kaiten movement to grab jo in readiness for another round.
Then we had a review of sansho 1. After such a short period of time without practicing, it was a pathetic attempt from me, but somehow we managed to remember just the form, even if the whole thing is still very sloppy. I wonder how many hours of practice are needed to drum this kata into the head…
Iaido session.
Basics for nukitsuke and noto were once again explained. Then there followed a practical application of this with different feet movements, namely, right leg forward, left leg forward, left leg backward and right leg backward. Shomen uchi was added to this sequence, and it made sense when executed in pairs.
Then we went through Shindo Munen Ryu.
With shomen uchi, you want to execute it as fast as possible. This is because when hands are raised in readiness for the strike, you are open. Granted no one in their right mind will move under your weapon, you are still open. Ok, maybe my explanation is not convincing, but logically it makes sense, right?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Students should assemble and be sitted on the mats, in seiza, well before practise time. It is rude for the teacher to be the one to wait.
It was also explained that the reason we bow to weapons (particularly iaito and sword) is as a sign of respect to a tool that is supposed to help us become better people. An outsider will easily mistake it for a worship of weapons, but this is not the case.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
The first hour was a 3 Kyu affair and all the techniques on display were all from the 3 Kyu exam requirements:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyakuhanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi.
-Shomen Uchi:Uchi Kaiten Nage and Soto Kaiten Nage.
-Kata Dori Kote Gaeshi.
-Ushiro Ryo Kata Dori Kokyu Nage.
-Yokomen Uchi Juji Nage.
After doing fourty Shomens in Kibadachi,we embarked on a series of moves(not familiar with the terms)not forgetting the eight directions Bokken cut-Happo Giri.
It was Hakama time and Sensei reviewed the twelve moves in Shindo Munen Ryu and left Jason,Hussein and I to try it out while he and Daniel Sempai reviewed moves from Muso Shinden Ryu.....
Happy Easter to all Nairobi Aikikai members and hope to see you on April 11 for another breathtaking three hour session.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Easter break
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana
After MIA for a while,Hussein appeared for the day's session and all I can say is welcome back!
Sensei took us through an array of techniques and among those that featured during the two hours were:
-Kokyu Ho from both Gyaku Hanmi and Ai Hanmi Katatedori stances.
-Variations of Kokyu Nage techniques.
-Eri Dori Kokyu Ho.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sumi Otoshi.
-Ryote dori Kokyu Ho.
One important thing I learnt yesterday thanks to Sensei is that when executing Sumi Otoshi especially from the Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance,it is imperative for Tori to grab Uke's arm as he brings Uke down with the elbow as Tori cannot always assume that Uke will keep holding on to his(Tori's) arm as Tori goes for his elbow....Good stuff!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall
Sensei had earlier sent his apologies as he was unwell and thus Daniel Sempai was in charge of the two hour session and it was all about:
-Ryote tori Tench Nage.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote) and Kokyu Nage.
-Kata dori Ikkyo(Omote)from both Tachi Waza and Suwari Waza.
-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo(Omote) from both Tachi Waza and Suwari Waza.
-Two versions of Kokyu Nage one of which is among my favourites involves locking Uke's elbow and turning the hips 180 degrees forcing Uke to perform an Ukemi or risk having his elbow broken.
-A version of an arm lock which eventually traps Uke's elbow on Tori's chest and the forearm is locked with Tori's arm.
Haishin Undo closed the two hour session and I look forward to more intense sessions ahead....
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Anyone practicing Aikido needs to assimilate these basic principles in order to apply them during the execution of Aikido techniques.
Keep in mind that the principles are interrelated: to correctly apply one, it will be necessary to apply others. By reviewing the principles several times you will appreciate this for yourself.
The ten fundamental points are…
1.Master the “hanmi” position (stance) and unbalance the opponent.
2.Use “kokyu”.
3.Move in “awase”.
4.Use circular and spiral movements.
5.Exploit leverage.
6.Place “atemi”.
7.Use “kiai”.
8.Think Bukiwaza / Taijutsu.
9.Think One / Many.
10.Adopt the spirit of Budo.
The better they are assimilated, the more one comes to understand that these points are no more than the application of common sense principles. Nevertheless, to learn them, it is absolutely necessary to follow the advice of a competent instructor… and to practice regularly. Nothing will be gained and thoroughly assimilated without sustained effort.
Point 1 -Master the “hanmi” position and unbalance the opponent
A correct hanmi stance is characteristic of Aikido. SAITO Morihiro Sensei always said that the founder was very particular about this point.
A good hanmi…
Good hanmi allows the hips to be placed correctly (without tension in the body), which leads to correct positioning of the whole body…
There are several types of hanmi (Ken no hanmi, Jo no hanmi, Hitoemi). Hanmi is a necessary prerequisite when starting to learn techniques. It must also be used when actually executing techniques.
…to be stable and unbalance the adversary
The notions of hanmi and balance are inseparable. Good hanmi gives the stability needed to unbalance an adversary. This is particularly true when practicing in kihon (static training) but it is often neglected when practicing in ki-no-nagare (fluid training). No mater how big your opponent is, he can be controlled if you take their balance.
Hanmi allows movements in any direction and hence makes
it possible to respond to attacks from anywhere.
Point 2 -Use kokyu
Kokyu is a difficult notion to understand and assimilate. It is nevertheless essential to every technique. To use kokyu is to exploit the support of the ground and to convey this through the body. It requires correct positioning of the whole body … too relaxed and the body looses strength; too tense and the body becomes rigid, easy to unbalance, and incapable of effectively transmitting the forces involved. There is a striking similarity here with meditation, where the body should be neither too tense nor too relaxed.
It is equally important to exploit one’s breathing: a calm and powerful exhalation is indistinguishable from good kokyu (see also the point below about kiai).
Point 3 -Move in awase
Harmony in space, time and strength…
“Awase“signifies “adaptation” and “synchronisation”. It is important on several levels during the execution of techniques…
From the viewpoint of timing
From the viewpoint of the forces involved
A movement should be carried out with effectively the same timing as the opponent. Awase cannot be achieved if one reacts too soon, or too late.
At the same time, the strength and kokyu applied in a technique must be adapted to that of one’s partner(s) / adversary (ies). The more firmly you are held, the more relaxed you should be; and vice-versa.
In the Iwama Dojo, it was forbidden to block a technique using strength. This is because each Aikido technique applies to a particular type of attack. A different technique would be used if the situation changes. Aikido has a sufficient range of techniques to respond to all types of situation.
Harmonisation of one’s gaze…
Awase also involves the harmonisation of one’s gaze… to correctly direct kokyu, one’s gaze should be aligned appropriately with respect to an adversary.
Point 4 -Use circular and spiral movements
Circles and spirals are present in all Aikido techniques. A curved movement is the best way of moving in awase with an adversary. To allow energy to circulate, and to use the ground support, curved lines are essential. This is the physical principle that, for example, allows the spine to support much greater pressures than it could if it were straight.
During his classes, SAITO Hitohiro Sensei often
traces spirals to illustrate this principle.
Point 5 – Exploit leverage
The principle of a lever can be used to minimise the effort required to move an object. The founder of Aikido knew how to exploit this law of physics is his ingenious art.
The principle of the lever is very apparent in bukidori, but
it is present in all Aikido techniques.
Point 6 – Place atemi
The founder said that atemi (strikes with the foot or fist) counted for 99% in Aikido.
Atemi provoke a reaction from an adversary but they also ensure that a technique is performed at the correct distance. In many cases, the incorrect positioning that renders techniques completely useless could be avoided if proper attention were given to atemi.
An atemi is necessary to perform sankyo omote well.
The notion of atemi must be kept in mind at all times … regardless of role: whether reacting to an attack or initiating one. All too often, an attacker comes too close, forgetting that he is practicing a budo, and exposing himself to an atemi…
Correctly placed in time and in the form of a movement, atemi contribute to the execution of techniques with the whole body.
Point 7 – Use “kiai”
Kiai are an integral part of traditional martial arts, of which Aikido is no exception.
Kiai is an expression of the very essence of Budo.
SAITO H. Sensei
Kiai are, however, rarely practiced in dojos, mainly because the Americans, who occupied Japan after the war, prohibited martial arts training. The use of kiai would have drawn attention to contempt for such rules. On the other hand, martial arts practitioners in the countryside were much more at ease, which was one of the reasons that led UESHIBA O’Sensei to settle in Iwama.
In all films with recorded sound, you can hear the founder uttering strong kiai. At Iwama, his kiai were well-known to the villagers and greatly contributed to the fear that he inspired in them.
Kokyu will be all the more powerful when
it is accompanied by a good kiai.
Point 8 – Think Bukiwaza / Taijutsu
SAITO Morihiro Sensei insisted that when practicing Taijutsu (unarmed techniques) one should think of Bukiwaza (weapons techniques), and the contrary. Weapons techniques and unarmed techniques are merely different aspects of the same thing. The genius of the founder was to identify the fundamental points in common and to apply them to all situations of conflict. The more one advances in training, the more apparent this becomes.
Weapons training develops correct posture…
Point 9 – Think one / many
Multiple adversaries should be seized as a whole, like a single adversary, while against just one attacker, movements suitable for multiple adversaries are appropriate.
The best way to avoid opposing the force of an attack (that is to say, to move in awase) is to imagine that several attackers are to be dealt with at the same time.
This principle permits effective extrication, moving away from lines of attack and correct positioning with respect to one’s opponents.
In the technique “ninin dori”, it is clear that two adversaries become one.
Moreover, to be effective, techniques have to be performed with the whole body, not simply the arms. An aikidoka must use the whole body. Each part: the arms, hips, feet …, needs to work together when performing a technique. Before learning to “move in awase with an adversary”, one must learn to “move in awase with the parts of one’s own body”… suburi practice is there for that purpose.
Point 10 – Adopt the Budo spirit
Last, but by no means least, a budo spirit should be maintained during training. SAITO Hitohiro Sensei explains that each technique should be performed as if it were a question of life or death. For example, during suburi training it is important to visualise an imaginary adversary for each of the suburi.